Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Foundation

As with Peter, the rock on whom Jesus built his church, my house is built on rock.  Not that I had much choice in the matter.  Most of Wise County is rock.  Big Rock.  Huge Rock.  Deep Rock.  So the foundation that was to have been a mere crawl space metamorphosed into a walking, crouching, crawling space.  It was either that or dynamite.

My new sun porch.  Well, not exactly.  The beginnings of foundation construction.

This construction thing is completely new to me, so I'm taking photos of even the most mundane.

I'm a bit behind in posting, as you can tell from the autumn colors.

Kevin making sure things are level.  Those cement squares in the ground will support the foundation.  They involved new vocabulary for me, as I may have mentioned in an earlier post:  digging footers and pouring foots.  Carrol and Bernard dug the footers, and Kevin and his guys poured the footers, meaning they put the cement in what Carrol and Bernie dug. 

More leveling.  Ironically and tragically, the only land that is flat in Wise County is land that has been raped  (aka strip mined).

Making progress.  I just hold my breath when I see the house starting to take shape.  It's both wonderful and scary.

Square, square, square.

Trouble with the cement mixer.

Guess I can't back out now.

Although that house is closer than I wish, it's not nearly as close as this photo suggests.  And I'm planting lots of vegetation to replace stuff I had to cut down.

Ready for log setting.

Time to pack it up.

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