Saturday, December 29, 2018

Odd but Comfortable: Mother's Perspective on the Main House

Welcome to the Main House.....

And I do use the porch, when the weather is warm enough....

Tobey and I greet you....On a chillier day....

Come inside to the first of two very comfortable living areas.... 

Looks pretty comfortable, so why have there been complaints about the decor?  Why was a  print by the famous artist Diego Rivera taken down in the Anna Gamz room and turned face forward?

SHOCKING, I tell you!!  A nude back!!!

However, before we take a closer look at the artwork, let's look a bit more inside the house.

Hmmm.... Day of the Dead theme emerging over the stove....

High heels aren't usually comfortable, but turns out this chair is a nice fit for the human body....Mother quite liked it.
BUT   the skeleton taking up another chair in the living room was not wanted (except by me).  Alex claimed we needed the chair, which I thought was a rather lame
excuse, but Mother was adamant:  Skeletons are morbid!!  So off it went to the appropriately named "Goth Room."
However, not all the bedrooms would be comfortable for vampires and ghouls.  Mother stayed in the one below...

the infamous "Nude with Calla Lilies" room, yet somehow, Mother managed to sleep peacefully...

And Alex's room.....



                                              However, some of the art might be NSFW
In my bedroom (I stayed in the house and gave my abode to Susie and Harry)

In the back entry way

                       And to greet you in the living room...

   Why, then, was a nude back so offensive?????

Who is responsible for this outrage?  Meet my landlady...

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Given the name Susan at birth, by parents who obviously didn't see into her future, she is now Soleil or Zia, both referring to the sun.  Her partner is Dragon.  No idea as to his birth name.  Notice the heavy boots she's wearing, though you can't see the very practical pants under her painting dress.  Twice that I've seen Dragon, he was wearing skirts; he has the legs and the tush for it.  

The Air BnB site for the Bisbee House of Art and Mirrors makes quite clear that a renter will not be stepping into country cottage chic:
Our house is filled with ethnic and erotic art and, of course, mirrors!
 The main house is filled with art, photographs and crafts. Some by local artists and also Spiritual, ethnic, erotic and kinky.
We are LGBTQ friendly and welcome medical Marijuana use.
Anais Nin room
The king sized bed (big enough for 3) is under the skylight.( Tobey and I are in this bed for 3!)
Wouldn't those descriptions and statements offer some....clues....that one is not stepping into Mayberry?  Or these visuals...
When I asked Soleil and Dragon about it, they said that potential renters looked at the price of a room, and nothing else.  According to Soleil, the prices are very competitive and that's all the people care about...until they get there.  Deal with it people!!  Another sign on the house.....


Now we come to the last day, when the skeleton was returned to its rightful location...

Harry ignoring it.....

And Harry saying that Susie had finally found someone who truly appreciates her!!!

                        Mother wearing her Queen's crown from her holiday "popper."

And they say goodbye while I remain in ....

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Saturday Morning at the Bisbee Farmers' Market

 The Bisbee Farmers' Market is actually in Warren, a few minutes' drive from Bisbee, and a few minutes walk from my abode.  Yes, I've not been telling the truth when I say I'm in Bisbee; I'm in Warren.  Historic Bisbee is fairly pricey, Warren more affordable for moi.

 The Market is in a nearby park, and is a mixture of food and crafts.  As I neared, I caught a whiff of "the weed" but did not investigate as I was more interested in coffee.  I'd decided to have coffee and pastry at the Market.  And what a wise decision!  Coffee was excellent and the cinnamon roll pastry was gluten/flour/sugar free...and still surprisingly good.  In fact, I think that most all fruits and veggies are organic, and it was easy to find gluten free items.  Much of Bisbee is very health conscious.
The coffee just hit the spot on the slightly cool, though sunny, morning.  After my very healthy cinnamon roll, I decided to try a "Scottish Pot Egg."  The Bisbee version of a Scottish Pot Egg was not bad, though a bit rich, so I ate only half and brought the remainder back to the abode where it is now refrigerated.
   Ahhhhhh....the music man. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to insert the video so this photo must suffice.  As I drank my coffee and ate one half of my pot egg, I was enthralled by his voice and the sadness of his songs.  I bought a CD.

                                                                                 Santa was his usual jolly self though his outfit seemed to be brand new.  I guess Mrs. Claus was tired of washing all that chimney soot off the suit so made sure he began this season with a new one.  Santa did confess to me that earlier in the morning he'd been rather chilly but was now warming up along with the day. 

 What a good sport was Santa, about having me on his lap.  I was a tad heavier than he'd anticipated; most of his lap sitters were under the age of ten, not pushing several score....  However, it was for a good cause:  Bisbee Homeless, so I made a donation which seemed to compensate for my heft in his lap. 

All in all, a very pleasant morning of good coffee, good food, and delightful people-watching.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

View from my window....   I put the rocking chair in front of it...... media res....

My MacBook Air developed a nasty cough, which copious doses of moonshine leavened with honey did nothing to cure, so today, I took the journey to the  Geek Squad at Best Buy in Sierra Vista, about 30 miles, rather shorter than the trek to the Genius Bar at the Tucson Apple Store.  After my nearly 2000 mile jaunt, I'm not yet ready to face that longer trip to Tucson, though I do love that place.

Also on my shopping list were a visit to a veterinarian,  Walmart, and a grocery store.  By the end of my stay in Sierra Vista, in addition to those items, I went to Lowes, a gas station, and a car wash.

First, Best Buy.  Over the years, BB has come to realize the need to cater to us Apple aficionados, so Mr. Mac was handy.  By the time I decided to go to BB, I'd reached the limits of my computer fixit skills, so Mr. Mac and I discussed my options:  1.  go home and try a malware program or 2.  fork over $200 for a contract.  Deep in the recesses of my little mind was the notion that perhaps that other Judy Pearce had a BB contract, as we'd done business with them in Columbia.  Hmmmm...Mr. Mac looked it up and sure enough, Judy Peace did indeed have a BB contract which covered three devices and there was a slot for me.  Mr. Mac knew I was not that Judy Pearce, as I told him ho I'd forged Mother's signature all over Wise County when I was building the house.  Left my MacBook and ventured to item #2....

Veterinarian: Tobey is on three heart meds.  I don't buy them in large quantity lest the little stinker decide to die.  And it's not a bad idea to have a relationship with a vet, even one 30 miles away, which is still closer than the one in Abingdon.  A vet needs to see him, even though I have his medical records with me (though god knows where my own reside so I might  come a cropper and the local medics will know nothing about my health), so we have an appointment for Thursday.

Walmart:  My goal was a one burner, electric hot plate, something which my abode lacks (which I knew) but I want to be able to do some basic cooking, using the cookware from my camper.  None left at Wally World, so I headed to Target, which had two left, although soon it had only one.

An aside:  While the days here are in the 50s and low 60s (wonderfully pleasant), the car starts to heat up, and I start to worry about the little stinker, but I need food (immediately because I'm more than peckish) and to supplement the Bisbee groceries.  Bisbee has sophisticated eateries, but pedestrian groceries.  I find some semblance of shade in the Fry's parking lot and dash in, around, through.......though not finding anything immediately edible for myself.  Grrr........

So:  I forgot to check Walmart for a slatted shade for the door for the abode.  My guess is that this addition dates from....a while back....and the door blind is dusty dirty and will no longer go up and down, except at about a 100 degree angle.  I cannot sleep, knowing of such slovenliness, so off to Lowe's where, after seeing another customer with a tape measure, I had her measure my arm from the tips of my fingers to my shoulder seam, which was what I'd used to measure the old blind, given that my own tape measure was tucked away in the camper.  29 inches.  Perfect.  Bought the blind.  And  Tobey is allowed in Lowe's, so no need to stuff him in his carrying case which looks like a weird purse thrown over my shoulder.

Gas and car wash nearby.  My car is green; I'd forgotten.

Then back to Best Buy.  By then Mother had gotten a notice saying the device was ready, so she emailed me to tell me that one of us needs to change our name.  Device had indeed been infected with a nasty virus, which slipped through but Apple had put in a patch so while it hacked me around, it had not spread, and Mr. Mac had no trouble dosing it with RAID and killing it.

Back home.  Walked, exercised, had dinner.....

Tomorrow, I'm going over to the Guild to begin a tutored weaving project.  Wednesday morning is book club:  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.  Saturday is the Guild holiday get-together.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Am going to start blogging again, but probably with fewer photos.