We are among those very few Americans who feel edgy and uncomfortable during the Season of Good Cheer, said Season now beginning around Halloween with the advent of a few small Seasonal items sneaked in between humongous bags of candy, grotesque masks, and pink princess costumes. Gradually, more Season of Good Cheer merchandise makes its way onto store shelves, until by the beginning of the second week in November, the sounds of Little Drummer Boy are unmistakeably audible. And so, those of us overwhelmed and appalled by the grossly crass commercialization of an event that began in a humble manger....well, we flee, to the well-named ship pictured below: Carnival Fantasy.
Performers on these ships are pretty much Z-list wannabes...and this is one of the stages. Told you it looks like south Jersey by way of Las Vegas. |
Waiting for a 6 o'clock dinner sitting. The food was perfectly acceptable, and plentiful. And available 24/7 in various places. |
Too cute to pass up a photo...with parental permission, of course. |
Unfortunately, I didn't get a good photo of my sibling; of the two of us, she's the better-looking. |
The new groom, looking like an ad for the cruise line...or wondering as to the whereabouts of his bride. |
Bride Pat and daughter Meredith. Sorry, Pat; you're much more attractive than this photo. |
Son Brian, except to the dining room, where he's Bryon. I hope I'm not revealing too much when I tell you that he's a chick magnet...and an English major, so perhaps the Bryon is fitting. |
I have no idea why I took this photo. |
Although Nassau seems to focus on tourists, even here there's a suggestion of sea-faring commerce in the background. |
I'm partial to these large conch shells but was reluctant to buy one, as I do not know the status of the health of these creatures. |
On the Nassau water front. Can you spell t o u r i s t?? |
I think I took this photo to demonstrate that not all of Nassau is Senor Frog's. |
Don't know what it is, but it's colorful. |
Home sweet home....for few days. |
Four other cruise ships docked in Nassau. The dark hulled vessel is a Disney ship. |
Our transport arriving, draped with happy folks. |
No, the woman pointing her finger is not reprimanding the newlyweds and kidlets. And no, I don't know why they're looking so glum...because they definitely were not! |
Brian and Jim demonstrating the awkward lack of agility when moving one's body on the net covering the two pontoons on the catamaran. See below..... |
Where most of us dashed to upon boarding...the netting, just a few feet above the water. Walking on it is more wobbly than on a trampoline, and more fun! |
I think the grimaces are because the wind is blowing on us. |
Every now and then, I see advertisements on television for some fantastical looking resort somewhere warm. Turns out the someplace warm is Nassau. |
Sorta cute. And as touristy as is Nassau, I could see wintering in one of these places. |
Catamaran captain told us this is Oprah's house. |
We thought it a bit tacky, but since we can't afford even this cute little blue place, we might be jealous. |
I didn't know what this was, so I did what any retired schoolteacher would do: googled it. Mailboat is a small company that hauls passengers and goods. Might be a good way to get between Freeport and Nassau. |
I like tugboats and fishing boats. |
Closing in on a reef in the catamaran. |
Castaway: Would you rather be with Tom Hanks or Oliver Reed?? |
The reef is clearly visible here. We don't land on land. |
Judge Harry looking quite distinguished in the life vest we were all required to wear on the catamaran and in the water, even though we didn't have to inflate it. |
We just went off the sides in the back. A safety rope was attached to the boat and the white life preserver. The water was definitely chilly upon entrance, so I held my nose and jumped. |
This is either Jim or some stranger. |
Not me, but who can tell? |
This is ME, but who can tell? |
A happy person. |
She's not as unhappy as she appears to be....just a bit bored from having nothing to read and no crossword puzzled to work. |
I had to ask our captain to put his hands on the steering wheel...or whatever it's called... Amused, he acquiesced, though I did have to place his hands where he'd look more captainly. |
One of the crew pointing out something to Pat on the return voyage to Nassau. |
Jim and Brian sampling the rum punch on our return trip, and most likely discussing baseball. |
Tired and happy snorklers. |
A tired, happy, and cold 11 year old. And yes, I did ask if I could take her photo. |
It's own little island...tres cute! Pat and I both adored it!! |
Not a bad life |
Too large for me. |
Susie, Meredith, and Brian relaxing on the return. |
And a wonderful surprise treat! The captain raised the sails. |
Sailing is heavenly. Being on the catamaran, sipping rum punch, dancing along on the water, all brought back such wonderful memories on the now-gone Windjammers. |
Bliss |
This beautiful little girl is the daughter of one of the crew. I asked him if I could take her photo; he said ask her; I did and here it is..... |
And with her lovely smile, we say farewell to Nassau. Next stop: Freeport. |
At first, I thought these might be guano covered, but I think not. |
Freeport, unlike Nassau, presents an industrial face to the incoming cruise passenger. |
And after Senor Frog's, I was actually pleased to see a part of the Bahamas grounded in the nitty-gritty. |
And I'm fascinated by container cargo, and how it is transported from shore to ship...or ship to shore, which I saw done in Seattle, Washington, many years ago. |
Didn't see many of my fellow passengers capturing these kodak moments. |
Reminded me of those tall, long-legged, clunky creatures in Star Wars. |
Another odd fascination of mine: tugboats |
Not sure about the origins of this name, but it doesn't sound very islandish... |
An odd juxtaposition.... |
Completely fake shopping village at the cruise docks....for those not inclined to go into town |
I excursed into the village, and liked the justaposition of the ship's stack in the background. |
And, yes, another Senor Frog's.... |
I did catch a 10 person taxi into Freeport, which seemed to be another Potemkin village for tourists, though, as with this woman, there were some hand make items. |
Hello Kitty purse |
She's needleworking the Kitty face into the woven cane. |
For my Cousin Robby |
Charming dockside hotel. |
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