Monday, February 2, 2015

Paper or Plastic?

The medians of Interstate 10 in West Texas sparkle and glisten…. Gems, perhaps?  The last of the snow?  
No:  plastic.  Plastic bags, plastic sheeting, plastic bottles.  Shredded, torn, tattered, confetti.   Plastic dancing over the desert.  Plastic caught in the sharp tines of cacti.
How did this happen?  The Don’t Mess with Texas Texans leave a mess.  Bigger than life Texans leave a bigger than life mess.  Have they no shame?
Apparently some do.  Even the bigger than life west-Texas Texans, at least the citizens of Ft. Stockton, Texas, have taken the almost unamurican step of banning plastic bags in stores.
I’ve learned from hard experience that when camping with the canines, I need to stash my trash in a plastic bag (Sorry Diana) and hang it inside the camper where the dogs can’t reach it.   When I stopped at Wally World in Ft. Stockton (I needed a few things other than food), I left my own bags in the car, and, though seeing paper bags where mine own Wise County, Virginia, Wally World  stored the plastic, I asked for plastic.  Not to be had, so, with my own bags in the car, I accepted paper.
Why has Texas allowed such a mess?  They can’t blame it all on those of us who pass through.  They can’t blame it all on the prickly vegetation which snags it and shreds it.  They can’t blame it all on the wind, catching the bags and blowing them around like kites.
No, Texas has only itself to blame for the mess.
Bring your own bag to Texas. 

They won’t thank you, but the environment will.

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